Helping Seniors Regain Mobility Vitality, And Fulfillment

How it started:

Noko is a highly experienced registered yoga instructor and certified Strength coach with a master’s in Kinesiology. With years of experience working with athletes, college students, and seniors, Noko Yoga has gained a deep understanding of seniors’ challenges in maintaining an active lifestyle.
After years of excruciating back pain that culminated in back surgery and a long and challenging recovery, Noko discovered the incredible benefits of chair yoga. This experience gave her the support and gentle movements necessary to heal her body. It inspired her to write the book series “Chair Yoga for Seniors over 60″ and create yoga courses and programs seniors can do at home.

How it started:

Noko is a highly experienced registered yoga instructor and certified Strength coach with a master’s in Kinesiology. With years of experience working with athletes, college students, and seniors, Noko Yoga has gained a deep understanding of seniors’ challenges in maintaining an active lifestyle.
After years of excruciating back pain that culminated in back surgery and a long and challenging recovery, Noko discovered the incredible benefits of chair yoga. This experience gave her the support and gentle movements necessary to heal her body. It inspired her to write the book series “Chair Yoga for Seniors over 60″ and create yoga courses and programs seniors can do at home.

About my program

What Sets My Senior Yoga Program Apart?

My fully guided videos and books demonstrate safe movements, ensuring anyone can exercise securely.


Customized Modifications for Your Unique Needs:

  • I recognize that everybody is different. That’s why I offer modifications for each exercise, ensuring my program is inclusive and safe for seniors and individuals with chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Rooted in Science:

  • My approach is grounded in my Kinesiology, strength training, and yoga training, prioritizing senior anatomy and physiology. Improved functional movements for flexibility, strength, and balance are at the core of my system.
Low-Impact Exercises:
  • No specialized equipment or intense workouts are required. All my programs incorporate gentle, low-impact exercises that are easy on your joints, making them ideal for seniors over 60.
Perfect for You if You:
  • Feel Limited by Age or Weight
  • Lead a Sedentary Lifestyle or Have Desk-bound
  •  Work Habits
  • Manage Chronic Pain, Past Injuries, or Disabilities
  • Haven’t Engaged in Exercise for Years or Ever
  • Have a Busy Schedule or Prefer Private Workouts
  • Are Unsure Where to Begin

Don't Know Where to Start Your Healing Journey?

Explore my books, courses and video programs:

Schedule a FREE 15-Minute Discovery Session